Well it certainly lived up to its challenge name!
Before even getting there this race was causing me a headache, my work situation had changed considerably and getting the time off was no longer a simple thing. Also my loyal bag carrier was due to come with me but couldn't due to his work situation!
The race was due to start at 1100 which for triathlon is unbelievably late, and my wave wasn't due to start at 1155. Never-mind worrying about breakfast, lunch was going to be the next issue!
Bike racking was in the morning of the race so I decided the best course of action was to rack the bike, then go back to the hotel for a larger than normal breakfast. Very leisurely...very odd.
The morning of the race the weather was pretty bad, although not as bad as the day before. Rain but not too much wind.
Swim got underway and after running out almost 50 meters we were splashing away quite happily. Until about 100m out where it got rough as hell! I always joke that at least the swim is the flat bit, but I felt like I was literally swimming uphill!
The buoys were really hard to sight and the orientation seemed to bear no resemblance to the map of the swim course. A spectator told me the next day that during the race one of the buoys had blown off course, and was dragged back....during the race!!!That meant some people were sighting to a buoy that was moving! I clearly had my own ideas about where the swim went and ended up swimming just over 2.2km.
Into transition and I found my bike pretty well. Transition was about 300m long, pretty crazy!

100m out of transition and I went to change gear when I herd a rather disappointing PING. The cable had snapped and I was stuck in the little ring for the whole race. Face palm!
The bike course was a lot less hilly than the course profile might lead you to believe and I was wondering if I had made the right choice bringing my road bike rather than the TT. However when it got pretty wet at the top of the climb I was glad I had my trusty roady and was cornering with confidence, whereas on my TT I would have probably been better getting off and running with the damn thing!
Back into T2 in just over 3 hours, I was pretty happy with that considering the gear situation, even happier later when I found I had the 10th fastest bike split of the day.
I learned my lesson from Fuerteventura on the run and decided a sub 18min 5km was not the way to go. I tried really hard to reign myself in for the first lap of the 3 lap course. It paid off and on the last lap I finished strong in just under 90 mins for the 21.1km (that was my secret aim). Turns out this was the fastest AG run by over 2 mins and would have been 5th including the pro ladies!
All in all its been another great experience. Im sat in the heart of old town Rimini surrounded by beautiful Italian architecture and sipping on a cappuccino. Fantastico.
Until next time...Arrivederci